Seitenwechsel is a sports club for women/lesbians/trans/inter* and girls. Seitenwechsel aims to help its members gain varied athletic experience, regardless of their skin colour, social and ethnic background, physical condition, age or sexual identity.
Seitenwechsel was founded in 1988 because lesbians wanted to do sports with other lesbians. Today we offer women, trans, inter and girls a broad range of opportunities for sports, recreation and fun.
Seitwechsel offers diverse athletic groups in a wide variety of sports, often divided into different ability/skill levels. The focus has always been not on achievement but on having fun; in any case it is to provide encouragement to achieve one’s personal best!
Seitenwechsel has roughly 900 active members and fifty coaches. It is thus the largest of all women/lesbians/trans/inter sports clubs in Europe!
Seitenwechsel is active in Berlin and beyond the city limits in national and international organisations to promote the rights of women/lesbians/trans* in sports and to fight discrimination.
More information
Seitenwechsel ‑ Sportverein für FrauenLesbenTransInter
und Mädchen e.V.
Gneisenaustr. 2a – im Mehringhof
3.HH – Aufgang 4 – 3.OG
10961 Berlin