DFC Kreuzberg flinta soccer club

DFC Kreuzberg

DFC Kreuzberg consists of women, lesbians, trans and inter* persons (FLTI* persons) between 20 and 70 years with more or less soccer experience. New comrades-in-arms, beginners and advanced players, who enjoy soccer and would like to play in a FLTI* soccer club, are very welcome, just drop by a training session!
If you want to train with us, open the website of the respective team and use the contact form there.

The DFC Kreuzberg was founded in 2012 by the non-profit association Fußball und Begegnung e.V. / DISCOVER FOOTBALL.

We are happy to welcome anyone who would like to join us. Just come to the training.

More information

DFC Kreuzberg website
DFC on Instagram


Fußball und Begegnung e.V.
Abteilung DFC Kreuzberg
Richardstraße 43
12055 Berlin