About us / Contact Flintaworld

Flintaworld is a not-for-profit project by and for FLINTA*.

The acronym FLINTA*

FLINTA* stands for women, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, transgender and a-gender. With the help of these resources we want to enable flinta* locals and visitors to connect with the community easily and find the spaces they need. To encounter likeminded souls and feel at home.

About this website

We started this platform as a love project in 2022. It is focused on the FLINTA community in our city Berlin. We are not affiliated with the people owning the “.com” URL of the same name.

If you would like to express feedback for us on this site or if have suggestions which events, organisations or businesses we should add to our collection, please let us know.
You can contact us at hey@flintaworld.de or on Instagram.

The event calendar on our homepage is maintained by flinta.calendar.berlin. They belong to a separate collective but we work in close collaboration. If you have any questions regarding individual events mentioned in the calendar, it is best to find the Instagram link of the related organisation, usually shown at the bottom of each calendar entry.
